There's more to ice than meets the eye
Three different ice cube products made of 100% Heidewasser.
For NORDFROST, the market leader in deep-freeze logistics with a European-wide logistics network for the fine distribution of refrigerated goods, it made sense to get involved in the production and marketing of ice cube products made from 100% drinking water. Production takes place at NORDFROST's refrigerated logistics centre in Zerbst near Magdeburg, where state-of-the-art production facilities have recently been built using a modular extendable solution. Our know-how in the refrigeration sector is combined at this location with a natural source of exceptionally good water quality: "Heidewasser drinking water from the largest and highest-quality groundwater resources in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt, stretching from the Colbitz-Letzlinger Heath across Westfläming to the Oranienbaum Heath, is of almost unique quality and contains a balanced variety of minerals and trace elements." ( (01.08.2018))
That's pure quality of life!
NORDFROST is also your reliable partner along the entire supply chain as a producer and supplier of ice cube products: A complete one-stop service – from ice cube production in compliance with the highest quality standards according to Higher Level IFS, through decentralised storage at 40 NORDFROST deep-freeze centres nationwide, to the on-time delivery of small or large order quantities to the consignee (full loads, part loads, consolidated cargoes).